Page name: Torturing Pain [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-01-31 05:02:32
Last author: Eyonic
Owner: _Einsam_Ein_
# of watchers: 9
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Hmmmmmm, who to torture with what technique....?


Hello all! this wiki has now been dedicated to the complex technique of torturing people. Though many have said that torturing someone is rather simplistic, it ISN'T! If one does it correctly ans plans it all out, it can be rather complex, yet still extremely fun fun! This is a wiki for all of those sadists, masochists, and sadomasochists out there. Welcome to all of you who have the need to inflict pain!  

Evil dictator and creator of this land: [Eyonic]

Evil dictator's owner: [_Einsam_Ein_]

Restarting this wiki! Will be under construction for a bit!


<img:> the torture members<img:>

<img:> torture banners<img:>


<img:> torture through pain<img:>

<img:> torture through pleasure<img:>

<img:> torture through anger<img:>

<img:> torture through boredom<img:>


Hey, I'm probably am going to die from my curiousity, so I might as well have fun with it. I've created an rp for all of the torture-lovers here, which could turn out interesting. Please make a character for the rp (any species, but no god-modeling please)and then join the fun!

Character page: torture characters
Rp page: Torture Castle rp


EMO PEOPLES... be warned. We have no respect for you and we will make you wish you had never come to this wiki if you think you can come here and bother us with your self loathing and tears, think again. Yes; life sucks and yes life is hard, but there are always people out there that have a worse life than you so shut-up and get a life. "Death is great--> you don't have to deal with the day to day BULLSHIT of life, but buck up and deal with it! die on your feet with pride!" YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!



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2008-01-25 [Eyonic]: wah!!!! now I'm by myself again!

2008-01-25 [Eloura]: I'm here!!!n

2008-01-25 [Eyonic]: yay!!!

2008-02-02 [PnkShpGnWld]: Mouse and Pup? What ineteresting nicknames...

2008-02-02 [Eloura]: *murrgles* I'm kitten! (lol that or kitty ^^')

2008-02-02 [PnkShpGnWld]: Your kitten? Well then...

2008-02-02 [Eloura]: Yeps *ilts head curiously* hmm?

2008-02-03 [Eyonic]: well, I'm a lot like a puppy and _Einsam_Ein_ is a lot like a mouse......

2008-02-03 [Eloura]: And everyone calls me kitten cause I act like a kitten *nods*

2008-02-03 [Eyonic]: lol!

2008-02-03 [Eloura]: *murrs* Chi!!!

2008-02-05 [_Einsam_Ein_]: yup yup ive been mouse since i was 9... thats 5 years! :P pups only been pup for... one year?

2008-02-05 [Eyonic]: yeah, I think that's right

2008-02-05 [Eloura]: I've been kitten since 4 (my gran used to call me that...)

2008-02-08 [PnkShpGnWld]: Ive been Pen since i was 4.. Lol and i was babycakes or hank since i was born. But i dont have a cute name like that.. Well, ive been called princess for 4 years now.. But that doesnt count.

2008-02-08 [Eloura]: Cools

2008-02-08 [PnkShpGnWld]: So not too many cool nicknames, but names nonetheless..

2008-02-08 [Eloura]: Still cool!

2008-02-08 [Eyonic]: lol, I have a few nicknames, though most of them I do not like....

2008-02-08 [_Einsam_Ein_]: haha i have Quite A Few nicks. everyone has a name for me it seems.but thats ok. i don't even like most. but again, thats ok i guess....

2008-02-08 [Eyonic]: yeah, I know what you mean there mouse...... but I'm not stupid enough to call you by Those nicknames...

2008-02-12 [_Einsam_Ein_]: hehe thats good!

2008-02-12 [Eyonic]: yup yup yup else you'll stab me. stabby rip stab stab! 

2008-02-12 [_Einsam_Ein_]: hehe! the Emo song!!!

2008-02-12 [Eyonic]: yup yup yup!!!!!

2008-02-12 [Eloura]: O.o

2008-02-12 [Eyonic]: what? have you not heard the emo song?

2008-02-12 [Eloura]: Not really.

2008-02-12 [Eyonic]: you should. it's funny.

2008-02-12 [Eloura]: errm ok ^^' *smiles*

2008-02-18 [_Einsam_Ein_]: eyo i love you! lol

2008-02-18 [Eloura]: *blinks*

2008-02-18 [Eyonic]: lol, yay! I feel loved! love you too mousy!

2008-02-19 [PnkShpGnWld]: The emo song is absolutely amazing.. Im as emo as can be.. .'Cause our dudes look like chicks,
and our chicks look like dykes
'Cause emo is one step below transvestite!

2008-02-19 [_Einsam_Ein_]: hehe! stabby rip stab stab!

2008-02-21 [PnkShpGnWld]: Hehe....My life is spiralling downward.
I couldn't get enough money to go to the
Blood Red Romance and Suffocate me dry concert.
It sucks 'cause they play some of my favorite songs
like "Stab My Heart Because I Love You" and
"Rip Apart My Soul" and of course,
"Stabby Rip Stab Stab".
And it doesn't help that I couldn't
get my hair to do that flippy thing.
Like that guy from that band can do.
Some days you know...

2008-02-21 [Eyonic]: wahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! <img:stuff/shadN-gif.gif>

2008-02-23 [PnkShpGnWld]: Hehe.. Lawl!!! That amazing!

2008-02-24 [_Einsam_Ein_]: lol! you guys are such dorks! i LOVE you!

*emotionless voice*
i dunno diary
somtimes i think you're the ONLY one
who gets me....

2008-02-24 [Eyonic]: tehehehehe

"Your my best friend"

2008-02-24 [Eloura]: *reappears with a smle on my face*

2008-02-24 [Eyonic]: you in a better mood now?

2008-02-24 [Eloura]: *nods* Very! *smiles* I feel better than last night.

2008-02-24 [Eyonic]: that's good

2008-02-25 [Eloura]: Yeps!

2008-02-26 [_Einsam_Ein_]: yes that is ver very good :)

2008-02-26 [Eyonic]: yup yup!

2008-04-21 [Eyonic]: where'd everyone go?

2008-04-21 [Eloura]: I don't know O.o ^^'

2008-04-21 [Eyonic]: me sad! now I wanna cry!

2008-04-21 [Eloura]: *sniffles* No fun.

2008-04-21 [†Sweets†]: I've decided I need to burn down someone's house, any ideas on how to do it? (five people live there, and they all need to go with the house.)

2008-04-22 [Eyonic]: do they have gas burner stoves or no? cuz if they do you could drug them to sleep and then turn the gas stoves on high while leaving a candle near by. would that work in theory?

2008-04-23 [†Sweets†]: I have no idea, but their stove is electric

2008-04-23 [Eyonic]: damn!
Molotov cocktail!!!!

2008-04-23 [†Sweets†]: Me and my boyfriend figured it out!!! anyone wanna hear?

2008-04-23 [Eyonic]: yes yes yes!!!

2008-04-23 [†Sweets†]: Well, we know where the spear key is, and everyone sleeps in the basement, so, in the middle of the night (at like 3:30 am) and douse the house in flammable products, and a rag, light the rag on fire as we leave, and through it at the top of the stairs, so they can't get out, and the house burns down ^^

2008-04-23 [Eyonic]: lovely!

2008-04-24 [†Sweets†]: Won't that work well? :)

2008-04-24 [Eyonic]: yes, I believe it will

2008-04-24 [†Sweets†]: oh good ^^

2008-04-25 [PnkShpGnWld]: Wow i love the plotting.
And escuse my absence, im not on much anymore and its hard for me to reply to wikis..

2008-04-25 [Eyonic]: that's okay, so long as you come visit us peoples over here every once in a while

2008-04-25 [†Sweets†]: My internet may go bye bye soon, but it'll be back up in no time ^^

2008-04-25 [Eyonic]: yay!

2008-04-25 [†Sweets†]: ^^

2008-05-05 [PnkShpGnWld]: IM here.. And im popping in the say hii!!
So hi.. And ill keep my teeth in for now..

2008-05-05 [†Sweets†]: :( No teeth is bad...

2008-05-06 [PnkShpGnWld]: hehe.. *bares teeth*

2008-05-06 [Eyonic]: lol!

2008-05-06 [†Sweets†]: woot!! *glomps pnkshp*

2008-05-07 [Eyonic]: yay! I added another technique in torture through anger

2008-05-07 [†Sweets†]: hhmmm

2008-05-09 [PnkShpGnWld]: *staggers a little then collapses*I am not being a damned pounce toy today..

2008-05-09 [†Sweets†]: *glomps [PnkShpGnWld]*

2008-05-13 [PnkShpGnWld]: *growls and flips you onto your back, my body covering yours* Children..

2008-05-13 [†Sweets†]: *giggles* What?

2008-05-13 [Eyonic]: *looks over at [PnkShpGnWld]* what?

2008-05-16 [PnkShpGnWld]: NOthing.. I am not a play toy.

2008-05-17 [†Sweets†]: :( I was just loving you... *mops off*

2008-05-17 [PnkShpGnWld]: *goes after you and wraps my arms around your waist* Don;t mope off, just dont be rough. I am not feeling my best. That's all.

2008-05-17 [†Sweets†]: aw :( *hugs [PnkShpGnWld]*

2008-05-17 [Eyonic]: lol

2008-05-18 [PnkShpGnWld]: *hugs back* No need to be sad, young one.. Only stating something.

2008-05-18 [†Sweets†]: Young one??? I'm older!!

2008-05-19 [PnkShpGnWld]: Older? My dear, you will never be older than I am. Im not too old in my years, but I am up there. Maybe around 90 or so

2008-05-19 [†Sweets†]: :|

2008-06-11 [PnkShpGnWld]: So neh.

2008-06-12 [Eyonic]: you two are funny

2008-07-26 [†Sweets†]: Are not.

2008-07-26 [PnkShpGnWld]: Dont ever tell a vampire she's funny... *corners [Eyonic]*

2008-07-26 [Eyonic]: *laughs and jumps away from [PnkShpGnWld]* And never corner a weredragon...

2008-07-27 [PnkShpGnWld]: *blinks* A weredragon? How on earth were you made? I dont think a wolf and a dragon would mate.. That would just be awkward.

2008-07-27 [Eyonic]: werewolf and human form...

2008-07-27 [PnkShpGnWld]: I know dear... But hmm.. Yeah, i guess that would work.

2008-07-27 [Eyonic]: lol, but it would still be an odd pairing right?

2008-07-28 [PnkShpGnWld]: Yes, I'm still not getting over that... *Sits on my chair and thinks about it*

2008-09-11 [_Einsam_Ein_]: it works. i promise, granted it is strange

2008-09-12 [Eyonic]: lol yup yup

2008-09-12 [PnkShpGnWld]: I bet it is strange. How do you function?

2008-09-12 [Eyonic]: function?

2008-09-13 [_Einsam_Ein_]: *blinks* function?

2008-09-18 [PnkShpGnWld]: I mean, how do you keep one side at bay while the other is in controll. They are both very cominant sides.

2008-09-18 [Eyonic]: i suppose both sides have to work together for there to be existence. In this case they cannot live without each other, therefor they must play nicely with each other lol

2008-09-18 [Eloura]: *appears curious to what i've missed*

2008-09-18 [Eyonic]: lol

2008-09-18 [_Einsam_Ein_]: lol

2008-09-20 [Eloura]: *watches*

2008-09-24 [_Einsam_Ein_]: *turns to [Eloura]* i've missed you guys

2008-09-25 [†Sweets†]: Rawr?

2008-09-25 [Eyonic]: ruff?

2008-09-25 [†Sweets†]: cry?

2008-09-25 [Eyonic]: eh? I'm confused now....

2008-09-25 [†Sweets†]: V.V I need to cry.

2008-09-25 [Eyonic]: oh. why? o_O

2008-09-26 [†Sweets†]: My boyfriend of four months, 5 as of tomorrow, and the father of my child, if I am preg, broke up with me yesterday.

2008-09-26 [Eyonic]: oooph, that's hard. you do need to cry. I offer my electronic shoulder to cry one 

2008-09-26 [_Einsam_Ein_]: o wow

2008-09-26 [†Sweets†]: I haven't stopped crying in 36 hours

2008-10-09 [Eloura]: *hugs You tight* I'm sorry hunny..

2008-10-09 [†Sweets†]: ...that was a while ago...

2008-10-09 [Eyonic]: yar

2008-10-09 [†Sweets†]: I have some bad news...

2008-10-10 [PnkShpGnWld]: yes?

2008-10-10 [Eyonic]: *looks scared* what is it?

2008-10-10 [†Sweets†]: MTV in all their jenus is remaking the rocky horror picture show.

2008-10-11 [PnkShpGnWld]: ZOMG NO!!!!!!!!! They can not remake the RHPS!!!

2008-10-11 [Eyonic]: NNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

2008-10-11 [†Sweets†]: i told you i had bad news.

2008-10-11 [PnkShpGnWld]: Thats Horbbile!!!!!

2008-10-12 [†Sweets†]: V.V

2008-10-12 [PnkShpGnWld]: They will fail epically! No one can replace tim curry

2008-10-13 [†Sweets†]: Exactly.

2008-10-13 [PnkShpGnWld]: Tim Curry is the Frankenfurter lol There's now reason for them to remake it. The original is awesome.

2008-10-13 [†Sweets†]: But, they are doing it.

2008-10-14 [PnkShpGnWld]: Oy vey.

2008-10-14 [†Sweets†]: I know

2008-10-16 [PnkShpGnWld]: Horibbleness. Lolz. But eh, what can I personally do? Nothing.

2008-10-16 [†Sweets†]: I wonder if we get enough people to protest if they'll stop the planning, it's underway yet or anything, they don't even have the cast yet.

2008-10-18 [PnkShpGnWld]: Thank god
maybe it wont happen

2008-10-21 [†Sweets†]: Doubt it... but maybe we should protest.

2008-10-22 [PnkShpGnWld]: We should!!!!!! Lets do it.

2008-10-22 [†Sweets†]: Sweet!! I'll get set up.

2008-10-24 [PnkShpGnWld]: You do that. Let me know when youre done doing.. the set up

2008-10-25 [†Sweets†]: I will.

2008-10-25 [PnkShpGnWld]: Good!!!!!

2008-10-25 [†Sweets†]: ^.^

2008-10-26 [PnkShpGnWld]: I saw it. Its awesome!! Nowwe just gotta find people

2008-10-26 [†Sweets†]: Yeah...

2008-10-26 [PnkShpGnWld]: It shouldnt be too hard

2008-10-26 [†Sweets†]: But you never know... WHERE IS EVRYONE!?

2008-10-26 [PnkShpGnWld]: ai have no idea.

2008-10-26 [Eyonic]: me either..

2008-10-28 [PnkShpGnWld]: Well maybe they will turn up eventually.

2009-01-17 [_Einsam_Ein_]: AGREED!!!! stop it now!!!! pup, you MUST sign it!!

2009-01-20 [Eyonic]: ...but I haven't seen it...

2009-01-29 [_Einsam_Ein_]: itsbe above my last comment... (question mark)

2009-01-31 [Eyonic]: gah, i was talkin about the movie!

2009-02-07 [†Sweets†]: I just need members. :) Please :D
And! You need to see Repo! The Genetic opera!

2009-02-07 [linkmaster23]: I just got that movie. Haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but plan on it soon because it looks so awesome.

2009-02-07 [†Sweets†]: It is so BEYOND awesome!!

2009-02-16 [Eyonic]: odd of a conversation to have on a wiki dedicated to torture....lmao

2009-02-18 [†Sweets†]: Repo could be concedered a torture movie... it is by the makers of saw...

2009-02-18 [Eyonic]: lmao if you say so

2009-02-18 [†Sweets†]: No really!! There's this repo man that comes and repossess body parts without out any drugs or anything... I like it ^^

2009-02-19 [Eyonic]: hmmm...i suppose it could be a torture movie then...

2009-02-19 [†Sweets†]: hehehehe

2009-04-24 [_Einsam_Ein_]: i miss my pup oh yes i do

2009-04-24 [†Sweets†]: Where is everyone?

2009-08-04 [anatomy]: dont ask me...

2009-08-04 [†Sweets†]: it died... I mean literally died...

2009-08-04 [anatomy]: what died?

2009-08-04 [†Sweets†]: the wiki...

2009-08-04 [anatomy]: oh crap

2009-08-04 [†Sweets†]: what?

2009-08-05 [anatomy]: i didnt know that the wiki was dead.
sorry for not comming to its funeral TT_TT

2009-08-05 [†Sweets†]: not my wiki. you have to talk to [_Einsam_Ein_]

2009-08-06 [_Einsam_Ein_]: ya it be my wiki... but eyo is the one that made it :P i'm really kinda an idiot when it comes to wiki's and such...

2009-08-06 [†Sweets†]: that is true...

2009-08-07 [anatomy]: i remember when this wiki was newly opened. things was much easier then ofcourse...dang time is mighty...

2009-08-07 [†Sweets†]: that's true...

2009-08-08 [anatomy]: making a wiki isnt that hard compared to control it once its made...

2009-08-08 [†Sweets†]: aren't you... that girl... that was driving me nuts... in misty's minions wiki?

2009-08-09 [anatomy]: yes... im that idiotic girl in misty's minions wiki...

2009-08-09 [†Sweets†]: I didn't call you an idiot :(

2009-08-10 [anatomy]: but i did^^

2009-08-10 [anatomy]: but you did think about it...

2009-08-10 [anatomy]: no she didnt!!!

2009-08-11 [†Sweets†]: polar?

2009-08-12 [anatomy]: whats that?

2009-08-12 [†Sweets†]: or multi personality?

2009-08-13 [anatomy]: own made multiply personality. less painfull and easier to control but harder to do and rare that humans knows about it o.o

2009-08-13 [†Sweets†]: lol

2009-08-13 [anatomy]: am i wierd?

2009-08-14 [†Sweets†]: yes.

2009-08-14 [anatomy]: TT_TT

2013-01-30 [Eyonic]: so long ago... forgot about this place

2013-01-30 [Eyonic]: think i shall try and restart this. if anyone in interested :D lemme know

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